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The Semi-Marathon of Fort de France


Fonded in 1984, Fort de France is the proud host of the Semi-Marathon now in its 25th edition. Sports men and women of Africa, Europe, the Caribbean and all over come together to compete under the tropics. 

 You will take the departure of a colourful race with mix Elite athletes and simple lovers of the running. You will discover the main roads of a city rich in history, tradition and culture, at the rhythm of the beat of drums and Ti-bois all along the course. Between sky and sea, you will be certainly seduced by this road event registered on the calendar of the French Federation of Athletics.

An important mobilization in human means, about 500 volunteers (departure - security on the course - fresh supplies - help - massage - arrival) who have given to this event, its excellent reputation of organization.


Do not hesitate to visit us in family, a test of 5Km allows to learn about the pleasures of running and the " race of the chicks " for the children.


Programme of the 25th semi marathon of Fort de France 

"Village Expo" : a place for withdrawals and registrations forms
-          Registrations
-         Health & Sport Conference
-         "Plézi boujé"
-         Live entertainement
-         "Race of the chicks" & Relay of elders 
Saturday, November 28th 2009
-          Pasta Party
-          "Plézi boujé "
Sunday, Novembre 29th 2009 - Sea Front
-          5.30am : Departure of the "Jou Ouvè "
-          6.30am : Departure of the semi marathon
-          "Plézi boujé"
-          Live entertainement

 Consult the complete programme of this event on the official site: