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Access to Fort de France

Situated at 9km from the airport, Fort de France is at the intersection of the main road network. Together capital and coastal city,Fort de Fance has an array of propositions. A taste of country can also be reached by sea from Trois Ilets, a seaside resort located on the other side of the “Flamands Bay” (Flamingo Bay) 

By road

 From the North (Caribbean coast) :  RN2*  (from Saint Pierre to Fort de France)

From the North (Atlantic Coast) : RN1*  (from Sainte Marie to Fort de France)

*RN : major road  


By sea

Regular shuttle services from Trois Ilets to Fort de France (arrival at Pointe Simon).  Crossing time : 20 minutes.

Purchasing of tickets on board.

This pleasant crossing represents the best way to reach Fort de France as traffic jams are very frequent.